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old drawer/english

[2/9] Writing Topic : Hobbies What is your hobby?. This was one of the hardest question I have had. The things I really got interested in were reading comicbooks, sleeping, and so on. Most of them were considered as childish acts. So I used to say that my hobby was reading books which was not actually I was in to. Time has went and I have grown up a little. I still read comic books and love sweety-sleep-for-long-time. But I .. 더보기
[English] Topics for 1/19 1. Article sharing 2. Writing in english -> Coffee 3. Discussion -> "Should we shorten the working hours?" (근로시간을 단축해야 하는가?) Working hard is good for the economic growth but there are some worries about the efficiency of laboring. I think we can also can debate the topic with this point of view. Related articles http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20130113000165 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/fin.. 더보기
[English]1/19 Writing : Coffee This week's english writing topic is the "Coffee". There might be various things to write about it, but this moment, I want to start to talk about the meaning of it to me. Firstly, coffee is "useless". Normally, people drinks it to be awaken during the work days. Coffee contains caffeine which arouses people from the daydreaming. But there is a difference in the effects of caffeine on people. So.. 더보기
[English] Writing Topics 1. 어떤이는 정부는 public services에만 투자하여야만 하고 arts (music and painting) 에는 돈을 낭비하지 말아야 한다고 한다고 한다. 이 의견에 대한 당신의 의견은? 2. more and more centre-town stores are replaced by out-of-town big stores.As a result,more and more people have to by cars in order to get to those 'far away'stores. 3. Some people think people have benefited from modern commutations technology, other people think some people have not .. 더보기
11/3 Why we can't just save more and spend less Experts explain why it's difficult for so many people to follow two basic financial guidelines: Save your money and don't overspend. Don't overspend. And save money. Those are the two hallmarks of successfully managing money. It really should be easy to have more money than one needs -- and yet many of us aren't able to follow those two basic rules, jud.. 더보기
10/27 1. Discussion Topic: Should teenage single mothers be banned from attending public school (or private schools otherwise alternative schools)? …and we must keep in mind that we are debating for an issue in SOUTH KOREA Pros: Teenage single mothers should be expelled, banned from public education, thus should attend alternative schools or be homeschooled apart from average (not pregnant) students. .. 더보기
[English] Topic for 9/22 Session 2. Below, there are 2 topics. choose one or both topics for the session. Topic 1. How to Organize Your Life Getting up early in the morning, getting the kids ready for school, holding the sandwich in one hand and trying to drive the car with the another, and still reaching office late, not finding the important document on the table, struggling to meet the target, picking up kids from sc.. 더보기
[English] Topic for 9/15 Session 2. Below, there are 2 topics. choose one or both topics for the session. [TOPIC 1] Drinking Games: People sometimes enjoy games when they drink with other people. In South Korea, young people, especially college students, play games while drinking. Today, let us talk about what games you play while drinking. [QUESTION] 1. Do you like to play games while drinking? Why? Or why not? 2. What.. 더보기
discussion topic In this week’s debate, we’ll talk about “Pros and Cons about Animal Testing”. In this debate "testing" should be defined as all testing on animals including, medical research, cosmetics, toxicology testing, and psychological research involving animal subjects. You’ll be divided into each team randomly. And the process will be the same as usual. 더보기
[english] topic for 8/18 1. Topic for the 3rd, discussion Prostitution. A few years ago, selling and buying a sex have been banned by the law but still exist in the shadow? of society. Anyway, Question is this. "To protect the wemen who work in the prostitution, what might be the better way, legalizing it or illegalizing it?" http://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/article/article.aspx?aid=2974034 http://koreajoongangd.. 더보기
[English] Topics for 8/11 Topic 1. How to Survive High School High school can be a terrible phase if you get it all wrong. Find out how to survive high school with a few easy tips mentioned in the coming up paragraphs. When you graduate from junior high, you're thrilled about high school for so many reasons. There are many fun things about high school, like parties, elections, concerts, new subjects, new influences, etc... 더보기
[English] 8/4 Topic for the 2nd session Useful Expressions 1. He stood me up. “그가 날 바람맞혔어.” To stand somebody up: To deliberately fail to meet somebody you have arranged to meet, especially somebody you are having a romantic relationship with. 2. My mouth is watering. “ 군침이 돈다.” One’s mouth is watering: Thinking about or looking at delicious dishes, one’s mouth gets wet with saliva. 3. Stay the course! “ 그대로 계속가!” To stay the course: .. 더보기
[English] 수의 일치 (Subject and Verb Agreement) 주어와 동사의 일치 사실 주어의 인칭과 수에 따라 동사를 맞춰주는게(I 다음에 am이 오는것과 같은) 별거 아닌것 같아 보이지만 은근히 혼동되고 어려울때가 많이 있습니다. 아래에는 주어와 동사의 일치에 관한 몇가지 법칙이 나와 있습니다. 참고하시기 바랍니다. Basic Rule. 가장 기본이 되는 법칙은 단수의 주어에는 단수의 동사를, 복수의 주어에는 복수의 동사를 쓰는것 입니다. 이때, 주어가 단수인지 복수인지를 아는것이 기본이 되는 일이며 그 다음으로 동사가 단수인지 복수인지를 알아야 합니다. * Hint : 동사의 복수는 명사끝에 s를 붙이는 식으로 만들어 지지 않습니다. (오히려 s를 붙이지 않는 경우가 많습니다) 어떤 동사가 단수인지 복수인지 구별 하는 방법은 he나 she 또는 they등과 함.. 더보기
[11/18] 범계 영어회화 1. Article Sharing - http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/biz/2012/11/123_124860.html 2. Script Reading - Modern Family Season 1 Episode 5 3. Presentation - About Music - Script : Today, The topic is Music. But What I want to talk about is actually a Movie, Billy Eliet. I think eveyone here knows the movie. Billy Eliteis so famous so it was remade as a musical as well. For ones who do not know i.. 더보기
[english] OPIC 질문 모음 영어 말하기 평가 시험 OPIC! 이번 방학이 다 가기전에 꼭!!!! AL을 받고 말테닷!!! 영어로 항상 중얼거립시다~ㅎㅎㅎ - 자기소개 관련 질문들 - * Let's start the interview now. Tell me a little bit about yourself and your family * Tell me a little bit about yourself and what you do for a living. * Tell me a little bit about yourself and where you live. * Tell me a little bit about yourself and what you do in your free time. * Tell me a little bit abou.. 더보기