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[C/C++] INI 함수 클래스

//                 Ini.h
// "CIni" is a simple API wrap class used for ini file access.
// The purpose of this class is to make ini file access more
// convenient than direct API calls.
// This file is distributed "as is" and without any expressed or implied
// warranties. The author holds no responsibilities for any possible damages
// or loss of data that are caused by use of this file. The user must assume
// the entire risk of using this file.
// 7/08/2002    Bin Liu
// Update history:
//  7/08/2002 -- Initial release.
//  7/14/2002 -- Added "IncreaseInt" and "AppendString"
//  9/02/2002 -- Added "removeProfileSection" and "RemoveProfileEntry"
//  2/09/2003 -- The class has been made unicode-compliant
// 11/04/2003 -- Integrated MFC support, added in new member functions
//               for accessing arrays.
// 11/08/2003 -- Fixed "GetString" and "GetPathName" method, changed parameter
//               from "LPSTR" to "LPTSTR"
// 11/10/2003 -- Renamed method "GetKeys" to "GetKeyLines",
//               Added method "GetKeyNames"
//               Added parameter "bTrimString" to method "GetArray"
// 11/14/2003 -- Use "__AFXWIN_H__" instead of "_AFXDLL" to determine MFC presence
//               Removed length limit on "m_pszPathName"
//               Removed "GetStruct" and "WriteStruct"
//               Added "GetDataBlock", "WriteDataBlock", "AppendDataBlock"
//               Added "GetChar" and "WriteChar"

#ifndef __INI_H__
#define __INI_H__

#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>

// If MFC is linked, we will use CStringArray for great convenience
#ifdef __AFXWIN_H__
 #include <afxtempl.h>

// Number bases
#define BASE_BINARY   2
#define BASE_OCTAL   8
#define BASE_DECIMAL  10

//     Callback Function Type Definition
// The callback function used for parsing a "double-null terminated string".
// When called, the 1st parameter passed in will store the newly extracted sub
// string, the 2nd parameter is a 32-bit user defined data, this parameter can
// be NULL. The parsing will terminate if this function returns zero. To use
// the callback, function pointer needs to be passed to "CIni::ParseDNTString".

class CIni

 //    Constructors & Destructor
 CIni(); // Default constructor
 CIni(LPCTSTR lpPathName); // Construct with a given file name
 virtual ~CIni();

 //    Ini File Path Name Access
 void SetPathName(LPCTSTR lpPathName); // Specify a new file name
 DWORD GetPathName(LPTSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize) const; // Retrieve current file name
#ifdef __AFXWIN_H__
 CString GetPathName() const;
 //    String Access
 DWORD GetString(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPTSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize, LPCTSTR lpDefault = NULL) const;
#ifdef __AFXWIN_H__
 CString GetString(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPCTSTR lpDefault = NULL) const;
 BOOL WriteString(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPCTSTR lpValue) const;

 // Read a string from the ini file, append it with another string then write it
 // back to the ini file.
 BOOL AppendString(LPCTSTR Section, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPCTSTR lpString) const;
 //    Ini File String Array Access
 // Parse the string retrieved from the ini file and split it into a set of sub strings.
 DWORD GetArray(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPTSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize, LPCTSTR lpDelimiter = NULL, BOOL bTrimString = TRUE) const;
#ifdef __AFXWIN_H__
 void GetArray(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, CStringArray* pArray, LPCTSTR lpDelimiter = NULL, BOOL bTrimString = TRUE) const;
 BOOL WriteArray(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, const CStringArray* pArray, int nWriteCount = -1, LPCTSTR lpDelimiter = NULL) const;
 //    Primitive Data Type Access
 int GetInt(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, int nDefault, int nBase = BASE_DECIMAL) const;
 BOOL WriteInt(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, int nValue, int nBase = BASE_DECIMAL) const;
 BOOL IncreaseInt(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, int nIncrease = 1, int nBase = BASE_DECIMAL) const;
 UINT GetUInt(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, UINT nDefault, int nBase = BASE_DECIMAL) const;
 BOOL WriteUInt(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, UINT nValue, int nBase = BASE_DECIMAL) const;
 BOOL IncreaseUInt(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, UINT nIncrease = 1, int nBase = BASE_DECIMAL) const;
 BOOL GetBool(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, BOOL bDefault) const;
 BOOL WriteBool(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, BOOL bValue) const;
 BOOL InvertBool(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey) const;
 double GetDouble(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, double fDefault) const;
 BOOL WriteDouble(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, double fValue, int nPrecision = -1) const;
 BOOL IncreaseDouble(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, double fIncrease, int nPrecision = -1) const;

 TCHAR GetChar(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, TCHAR cDefault) const;
 BOOL WriteChar(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, TCHAR c) const;

 //    User-Defined Data Type & Data Block Access
 POINT GetPoint(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, POINT ptDefault) const;
 BOOL WritePoint(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, POINT pt) const;
 RECT GetRect(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, RECT rcDefault) const;
 BOOL WriteRect(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, RECT rc) const;

 DWORD GetDataBlock(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize, DWORD dwOffset = 0) const;
 BOOL WriteDataBlock(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPCVOID lpData, DWORD dwDataSize) const;
 BOOL AppendDataBlock(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPCVOID lpData, DWORD dwDataSize) const;
 //    Section Operations
 BOOL IsSectionExist(LPCTSTR lpSection) const;
 DWORD GetSectionNames(LPTSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize) const;
#ifdef __AFXWIN_H__
 void GetSectionNames(CStringArray* pArray) const;
 BOOL CopySection(LPCTSTR lpSrcSection, LPCTSTR lpDestSection, BOOL bFailIfExist) const;
 BOOL MoveSection(LPCTSTR lpSrcSection, LPCTSTR lpDestSection, BOOL bFailIfExist = TRUE) const;
 BOOL DeleteSection(LPCTSTR lpSection) const;
 //    Key Operations
 BOOL IsKeyExist(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey) const; 
 DWORD GetKeyLines(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPTSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize) const;
#ifdef __AFXWIN_H__
 void GetKeyLines(LPCTSTR lpSection, CStringArray* pArray) const;
 DWORD GetKeyNames(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPTSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize) const;
#ifdef __AFXWIN_H__ 
 void GetKeyNames(LPCTSTR lpSection, CStringArray* pArray) const;
 BOOL CopyKey(LPCTSTR lpSrcSection, LPCTSTR lpSrcKey, LPCTSTR lpDestSection, LPCTSTR lpDestKey, BOOL bFailIfExist) const;
 BOOL MoveKey(LPCTSTR lpSrcSection, LPCTSTR lpSrcKey, LPCTSTR lpDestSection, LPCTSTR lpDestKey, BOOL bFailIfExist = TRUE) const;
 BOOL DeleteKey(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey) const;

 // Parse a "Double-Null Terminated String"
 static BOOL ParseDNTString(LPCTSTR lpString, SUBSTRPROC lpFnStrProc, LPVOID lpParam = NULL);

 // Check for Whether a String Representing TRUE or FALSE
 static BOOL StringToBool(LPCTSTR lpString, BOOL bDefault = FALSE);

 //    Helper Functions
 static LPTSTR __StrDupEx(LPCTSTR lpStart, LPCTSTR lpEnd);
 static BOOL __TrimString(LPTSTR lpBuffer);
 LPTSTR __GetStringDynamic(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPCTSTR lpDefault = NULL) const;
 static DWORD __StringSplit(LPCTSTR lpString, LPTSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize, LPCTSTR lpDelimiter = NULL, BOOL bTrimString = TRUE);
 static void __ToBinaryString(UINT nNumber, LPTSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize);
 static int __ValidateBase(int nBase);
 static void __IntToString(int nNumber, LPTSTR lpBuffer, int nBase);
 static void __UIntToString(UINT nNumber, LPTSTR lpBuffer, int nBase);
 static BOOL CALLBACK __SubStrCompare(LPCTSTR lpString1, LPVOID lpParam);
 static BOOL CALLBACK __KeyPairProc(LPCTSTR lpString, LPVOID lpParam); 
#ifdef __AFXWIN_H__
 static BOOL CALLBACK __SubStrAdd(LPCTSTR lpString, LPVOID lpParam);

 //    Member Data
 LPTSTR m_pszPathName; // Stores path of the associated ini file

#endif // #ifndef __INI_H__






//                 Ini.cpp
// "CIni" is a simple API wrap class used for ini file access.
// The purpose of this class is to make ini file access more
// convenient than direct API calls.
// This file is distributed "as is" and without any expressed or implied
// warranties. The author holds no responsibilities for any possible damages
// or loss of data that are caused by use of this file. The user must assume
// the entire risk of using this file.
// 7/08/2002    Bin Liu
// Update history:
//  7/08/2002 -- Initial release.
//  7/14/2002 -- Added "IncreaseInt" and "AppendString"
//  9/02/2002 -- Added "removeProfileSection" and "RemoveProfileEntry"
//  2/09/2003 -- The class has been made unicode-compliant
// 11/04/2003 -- Integrated MFC support, added in new member functions
//               for accessing arrays.
// 11/08/2003 -- Fixed "GetString" and "GetPathName" method, changed parameter
//               from "LPSTR" to "LPTSTR"
// 11/10/2003 -- Renamed method "GetKeys" to "GetKeyLines",
//               Added method "GetKeyNames"
//               Added parameter "bTrimString" to method "GetArray"
// 11/14/2003 -- Use "__AFXWIN_H__" instead of "_AFXDLL" to determine MFC presence
//               Removed length limit on "m_pszPathName"
//               Removed "GetStruct" and "WriteStruct"
//               Added "GetDataBlock", "WriteDataBlock", "AppendDataBlock"
//               Added "GetChar" and "WriteChar"

// Cini Class Implementation
#include "stdafx.h" // include if you got "fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file..."
#include "Ini.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

#define DEF_PROFILE_NUM_LEN  64 // numeric string length, could be quite long for binary format
#define DEF_PROFILE_THRESHOLD 512 // temporary string length
#define DEF_PROFILE_DELIMITER _T(",") // default string delimiter
#define DEF_PROFILE_TESTSTRING _T("{63788286-AE30-4D6B-95DF-3B451C1C79F9}") // Uuid for internal use

// struct used to be passed to __KeyPairProc as a LPVOID parameter
struct STR_LIMIT
 LPTSTR lpTarget;
 DWORD dwRemain;
 DWORD dwTotalCopied;

// Constructors & Destructor
 m_pszPathName = NULL;

CIni::CIni(LPCTSTR lpPathName)
 m_pszPathName = NULL;

 if (m_pszPathName != NULL)
  delete [] m_pszPathName;

// Ini File Path Access

// Assign ini file path name
void CIni::SetPathName(LPCTSTR lpPathName)
 if (lpPathName == NULL)
  if (m_pszPathName != NULL)
   *m_pszPathName = _T('\0');
  if (m_pszPathName != NULL)
   delete [] m_pszPathName;

  m_pszPathName = _tcsdup(lpPathName);

// Retrieve ini file path name
DWORD CIni::GetPathName(LPTSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize) const
 *lpBuffer = _T('\0');
 DWORD dwLen = 0;
 if (lpBuffer != NULL)
  _tcsncpy(lpBuffer, m_pszPathName, dwBufSize);
  dwLen = _tcslen(lpBuffer);
  // just calculate the required buffer size
  dwLen = _tcslen(m_pszPathName);
 return dwLen;

#ifdef __AFXWIN_H__
CString CIni::GetPathName() const
 return CString(m_pszPathName);

// Raw String Access

// Get a profile string value, if the buffer size is not large enough, the result
// may be truncated.
DWORD CIni::GetString(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPTSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize, LPCTSTR lpDefault) const
 if (lpBuffer != NULL)
  *lpBuffer = _T('\0');

 LPTSTR psz = __GetStringDynamic(lpSection, lpKey, lpDefault);
 DWORD dwLen = _tcslen(psz);

 if (lpBuffer != NULL)
  _tcsncpy(lpBuffer, psz, dwBufSize);
  dwLen = min(dwLen, dwBufSize);

 delete [] psz;
 return dwLen;

#ifdef __AFXWIN_H__
CString CIni::GetString(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPCTSTR lpDefault) const
 LPTSTR psz = __GetStringDynamic(lpSection, lpKey, lpDefault);
 CString str(psz);
 delete [] psz;
 return str;

// Write a string value to the ini file
BOOL CIni::WriteString(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPCTSTR lpValue) const
 if (lpSection == NULL || lpKey == NULL)
  return FALSE;

 return ::WritePrivateProfileString(lpSection, lpKey, lpValue == NULL ? _T("") : lpValue, m_pszPathName);

// Read a string value from the ini file, append another string after it and then write it
// back to the ini file
BOOL CIni::AppendString(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPCTSTR lpString) const
 if (lpString == NULL)
  return FALSE;

 TCHAR* psz = __GetStringDynamic(lpSection, lpKey);
 TCHAR* pNewString = new TCHAR[_tcslen(psz) + _tcslen(lpString) + 1];
 _stprintf(pNewString, _T("%s%s"), psz, lpString);
 const BOOL RES = WriteString(lpSection, lpKey, pNewString);
 delete [] pNewString;
 delete [] psz;
 return RES;

// Ini File String Array Access

// Get an array of string
DWORD CIni::GetArray(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPTSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize, LPCTSTR lpDelimiter, BOOL bTrimString) const
 if (lpBuffer != NULL)
  *lpBuffer = _T('\0');

 if (lpSection == NULL || lpKey == NULL)
  return 0; 

 LPTSTR psz = __GetStringDynamic(lpSection, lpKey);
 DWORD dwCopied = 0;

 if (*psz != _T('\0'))
  if (lpBuffer == NULL)
   // just calculate the required buffer size
   const DWORD MAX_LEN = _tcslen(psz) + 2;
   LPTSTR p = new TCHAR[MAX_LEN + 1];
   dwCopied = __StringSplit(psz, p, MAX_LEN, lpDelimiter, bTrimString);
   delete [] p;
   dwCopied = __StringSplit(psz, lpBuffer, dwBufSize, lpDelimiter, bTrimString);

 delete [] psz;
 return dwCopied;

#ifdef __AFXWIN_H__
void CIni::GetArray(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, CStringArray *pArray, LPCTSTR lpDelimiter, BOOL bTrimString) const
 if (pArray != NULL)

 const DWORD LEN = GetArray(lpSection, lpKey, NULL, 0, lpDelimiter);
 if (LEN == 0)

 LPTSTR psz = new TCHAR[LEN + 3];
 GetArray(lpSection, lpKey, psz, LEN + 2, lpDelimiter);
 ParseDNTString(psz, __SubStrAdd, (LPVOID)pArray);
 delete [] psz;

#ifdef __AFXWIN_H__
BOOL CIni::WriteArray(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, const CStringArray *pArray, int nWriteCount, LPCTSTR lpDelimiter) const
 if (pArray == NULL)
  return FALSE;

 if (nWriteCount < 0)
  nWriteCount = pArray->GetSize();
  nWriteCount = min(nWriteCount, pArray->GetSize());

 const CString DELIMITER = (lpDelimiter == NULL || *lpDelimiter == _T('\0')) ? _T(",") : lpDelimiter;
 CString sLine;
 for (int i = 0; i < nWriteCount; i++)
  sLine += pArray->GetAt(i);
  if (i != nWriteCount - 1)
   sLine += DELIMITER;
 return WriteString(lpSection, lpKey, sLine);

// Primitive Data Type Access

// Get a signed integral value
int CIni::GetInt(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, int nDefault, int nBase) const
 TCHAR sz[DEF_PROFILE_NUM_LEN + 1] = _T("");
 GetString(lpSection, lpKey, sz, DEF_PROFILE_NUM_LEN);
 return *sz == _T('\0') ? nDefault : int(_tcstoul(sz, NULL, __ValidateBase(nBase)));

// Get an unsigned integral value
UINT CIni::GetUInt(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, UINT nDefault, int nBase) const
 TCHAR sz[DEF_PROFILE_NUM_LEN + 1] = _T("");
 GetString(lpSection, lpKey, sz, DEF_PROFILE_NUM_LEN);
 return *sz == _T('\0') ? nDefault : UINT(_tcstoul(sz, NULL, __ValidateBase(nBase)));

// Get a boolean value
BOOL CIni::GetBool(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, BOOL bDefault) const
 TCHAR sz[DEF_PROFILE_NUM_LEN + 1] = _T("");
 GetString(lpSection, lpKey, sz, DEF_PROFILE_NUM_LEN);
 return StringToBool(sz, bDefault);

// Get a double floating value
double CIni::GetDouble(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, double fDefault) const
 TCHAR sz[DEF_PROFILE_NUM_LEN + 1] = _T("");
 GetString(lpSection, lpKey, sz, DEF_PROFILE_NUM_LEN);
 return *sz == _T('\0') ? fDefault : _tcstod(sz, NULL);

// Write a signed integral value to the ini file
BOOL CIni::WriteInt(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, int nValue, int nBase) const
 TCHAR szValue[DEF_PROFILE_NUM_LEN + 1] = _T("");
 __IntToString(nValue, szValue, nBase);
 return WriteString(lpSection, lpKey, szValue);

// Write an unsigned value to the ini file
BOOL CIni::WriteUInt(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, UINT nValue, int nBase) const
 TCHAR szValue[DEF_PROFILE_NUM_LEN + 1] = _T("");
 __UIntToString(nValue, szValue, nBase);
 return WriteString(lpSection, lpKey, szValue);

// Write a double floating value to the ini file
BOOL CIni::WriteDouble(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, double fValue, int nPrecision) const
 TCHAR szFmt[16] = _T("%f");

 if (nPrecision > 0)
  _stprintf(szFmt, _T("%%.%df"), nPrecision);

 TCHAR szValue[DEF_PROFILE_NUM_LEN + 1] = _T("");
 _stprintf(szValue, szFmt, fValue);
 return WriteString(lpSection, lpKey, szValue);

// Read a double value from the ini file, increase it then write it back
BOOL CIni::IncreaseDouble(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, double fIncrease, int nPrecision) const
 double f = GetDouble(lpSection, lpKey, 0.0);
 f += fIncrease;
 return WriteDouble(lpSection, lpKey, f, nPrecision);

// Write a boolean value to the ini file
BOOL CIni::WriteBool(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, BOOL bValue) const
 return WriteInt(lpSection, lpKey, bValue ? 1 : 0, BASE_DECIMAL);

// Read a boolean value from the ini file, invert it(true becomes false, false becomes true),
// then write it back
BOOL CIni::InvertBool(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey) const
 return WriteBool(lpSection, lpKey, !GetBool(lpSection, lpKey, FALSE));

// Read a int from the ini file, increase it and then write it back to the ini file
BOOL CIni::IncreaseInt(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, int nIncrease, int nBase) const
 int nVal = GetInt(lpSection, lpKey, 0, nBase);
 nVal += nIncrease;
 return WriteInt(lpSection, lpKey, nVal, nBase);

// Read an UINT from the ini file, increase it and then write it back to the ini file
BOOL CIni::IncreaseUInt(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, UINT nIncrease, int nBase) const
 UINT nVal = GetUInt(lpSection, lpKey, 0, nBase);
 nVal += nIncrease;
 return WriteUInt(lpSection, lpKey, nVal, nBase);

TCHAR CIni::GetChar(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, TCHAR cDefault) const
 TCHAR sz[2] = _T("");
 GetString(lpSection, lpKey, sz, 1);
 return *sz == _T('\0') ? cDefault : sz[0];

BOOL CIni::WriteChar(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, TCHAR c) const
 TCHAR sz[2] = { c, _T('\0') };
 return WriteString(lpSection, lpKey, sz);

// User-Defined Data Type Access

// Get a block of raw data from the ini file
DWORD CIni::GetDataBlock(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize, DWORD dwOffset) const
 LPTSTR psz = __GetStringDynamic(lpSection, lpKey);
 DWORD dwLen = _tcslen(psz) / 2;
 if (dwLen <= dwOffset)
  delete [] psz;
  return 0;

 // verify psz, must be all in hex format
 for (int i = 0; psz[i] != _T('\0'); i++)
  TCHAR c = psz[i];
  if ((c >= _T('0') && c <= _T('9'))
   || (c >= _T('a') && c <= _T('f'))
   || (c >= _T('A') && c <= _T('F')))
   // valid
   delete [] psz;
   return 0;

 DWORD dwProcLen = 0;
 LPBYTE lpb = (LPBYTE)lpBuffer;

 if (lpb != NULL)
  dwProcLen = min(dwLen - dwOffset, dwBufSize);
  LPCTSTR p = &psz[dwOffset * 2];
  for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwProcLen; i++)
   TCHAR sz[3] = _T("");
   _tcsncpy(sz, p, 2);   
   lpb[i] = BYTE(_tcstoul(sz, NULL, 16));
   p = &p[2];
  dwProcLen = dwLen - dwOffset;
 delete [] psz;
 return dwProcLen;

// Write a block of raw data to the ini file
BOOL CIni::WriteDataBlock(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPCVOID lpData, DWORD dwDataSize) const
 const BYTE* lpb = (const BYTE*)lpData;
 if (lpb == NULL)
  return FALSE;

 LPTSTR psz = new TCHAR[dwDataSize * 2 + 1];
 for (DWORD i = 0, j = 0; i < dwDataSize; i++, j += 2)
  _stprintf(&psz[j], _T("%02X"), lpb[i]);
 const BOOL RES = WriteString(lpSection, lpKey, psz);
 delete [] psz;
 return RES;

// Append a block of raw data to a specified key in the ini file
BOOL CIni::AppendDataBlock(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPCVOID lpData, DWORD dwDataSize) const
 const BYTE* lpb = (const BYTE*)lpData;
 if (lpb == NULL)
  return FALSE;

 LPTSTR psz = new TCHAR[dwDataSize * 2 + 1];
 for (DWORD i = 0, j = 0; i < dwDataSize; i++, j += 2)
  _stprintf(&psz[j], _T("%02X"), lpb[i]);
 const BOOL RES = AppendString(lpSection, lpKey, psz);
 delete [] psz;
 return RES;

// Get a POINT value
POINT CIni::GetPoint(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, POINT ptDefault) const
 POINT pt;
 if (GetDataBlock(lpSection, lpKey, &pt, sizeof(POINT)) != sizeof(POINT))
  pt = ptDefault;
 return pt;

// Get a RECT value
RECT CIni::GetRect(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, RECT rcDefault) const
 RECT rc;
 if (GetDataBlock(lpSection, lpKey, &rc, sizeof(RECT)) != sizeof(RECT))
  rc = rcDefault;
 return rc;

// Write a POINT to the ini file
BOOL CIni::WritePoint(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, POINT pt) const
 return WriteDataBlock(lpSection, lpKey, &pt, sizeof(POINT));

// Write a RECT to the ini file
BOOL CIni::WriteRect(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, RECT rc) const
 return WriteDataBlock(lpSection, lpKey, &rc, sizeof(RECT));

// Sections & Keys Access

// Retrieve a list of key-lines(key-pairs) of the specified section
DWORD CIni::GetKeyLines(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPTSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize) const
 if (lpBuffer != NULL)
  *lpBuffer = _T('\0');

 if (lpSection == NULL)
  return 0; 

 if (lpBuffer == NULL)
  // just calculate the required buffer size
  LPTSTR psz = new TCHAR[dwLen + 1];
  DWORD dwCopied = ::GetPrivateProfileSection(lpSection, psz, dwLen, m_pszPathName);

  while (dwCopied + 2 >= dwLen)
   delete [] psz;
   psz = new TCHAR[dwLen + 1];
   dwCopied = ::GetPrivateProfileSection(lpSection, psz, dwLen, m_pszPathName);

  delete [] psz;
  return dwCopied + 2;
  return ::GetPrivateProfileSection(lpSection, lpBuffer, dwBufSize, m_pszPathName);

// Retrieve a list of key names of the specified section
DWORD CIni::GetKeyNames(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPTSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize) const
 if (lpBuffer != NULL)
  *lpBuffer = _T('\0');

 if (lpSection == NULL)
  return 0; 

 sl.lpTarget = lpBuffer;
 sl.dwRemain = dwBufSize;
 sl.dwTotalCopied = 0;

 const DWORD LEN = GetKeyLines(lpSection, NULL, 0);
 if (LEN == 0)
  return 0;

 LPTSTR psz = new TCHAR[LEN + 1];
 GetKeyLines(lpSection, psz, LEN);
 ParseDNTString(psz, __KeyPairProc, (LPVOID)(&sl));
 delete [] psz;
 if (lpBuffer != NULL)
  lpBuffer[sl.dwTotalCopied] = _T('\0');
 return sl.dwTotalCopied;

// Get all section names from an ini file
DWORD CIni::GetSectionNames(LPTSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize) const
 if (lpBuffer == NULL)
  // just calculate the required buffer size
  LPTSTR psz = new TCHAR[dwLen + 1];
  DWORD dwCopied = ::GetPrivateProfileSectionNames(psz, dwLen, m_pszPathName);
  while (dwCopied + 2 >= dwLen)
   delete [] psz;
   psz = new TCHAR[dwLen + 1];
   dwCopied = ::GetPrivateProfileSectionNames(psz, dwLen, m_pszPathName);
  delete [] psz;
  return dwCopied + 2;
  return ::GetPrivateProfileSectionNames(lpBuffer, dwBufSize, m_pszPathName);

#ifdef __AFXWIN_H__
void CIni::GetSectionNames(CStringArray *pArray) const
 if (pArray != NULL)

 const DWORD LEN = GetSectionNames(NULL, 0);
 if (LEN == 0)

 LPTSTR psz = new TCHAR[LEN + 1];
 GetSectionNames(psz, LEN);
 ParseDNTString(psz, __SubStrAdd, pArray);
 delete [] psz;

#ifdef __AFXWIN_H__
// Retrieve a list of key-lines(key-pairs) of the specified section
void CIni::GetKeyLines(LPCTSTR lpSection, CStringArray *pArray) const
 if (pArray != NULL)

 const DWORD LEN = GetKeyLines(lpSection, NULL, 0);
 if (LEN == 0)

 LPTSTR psz = new TCHAR[LEN + 1];
 GetKeyLines(lpSection, psz, LEN);
 ParseDNTString(psz, __SubStrAdd, pArray);
 delete [] psz;

#ifdef __AFXWIN_H__
// Retrieve a list of key names of the specified section
void CIni::GetKeyNames(LPCTSTR lpSection, CStringArray *pArray) const
 if (pArray == NULL)

 const int LEN = GetKeyNames(lpSection, NULL, 0);
 LPTSTR psz = new TCHAR[LEN + 1];
 GetKeyNames(lpSection, psz, LEN);
 ParseDNTString(psz, __SubStrAdd, (LPVOID)pArray);
 delete [] psz;

// Remove whole section from the ini file
BOOL CIni::DeleteSection(LPCTSTR lpSection) const
 return ::WritePrivateProfileString(lpSection, NULL, _T(""), m_pszPathName);

// Remove a key from a section
BOOL CIni::DeleteKey(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey) const
 return ::WritePrivateProfileString(lpSection, lpKey, NULL, m_pszPathName);

BOOL CIni::IsSectionExist(LPCTSTR lpSection) const
 if (lpSection == NULL)
  return FALSE;

 // first get the section name list, then check if lpSection exists
 // in the list.
 const DWORD LEN = GetSectionNames(NULL, 0);
 if (LEN == 0)
  return FALSE;

 LPTSTR psz = new TCHAR[LEN + 1];
 GetSectionNames(psz, LEN);
 BOOL RES = !ParseDNTString(psz, __SubStrCompare, (LPVOID)lpSection);
 delete [] psz;
 return RES;

BOOL CIni::IsKeyExist(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey) const
 if (lpSection == NULL || lpKey == NULL)
  return FALSE;

 // Test it with the default unique string
 LPTSTR psz = __GetStringDynamic(lpSection, lpKey, DEF_PROFILE_TESTSTRING);
 const BOOL RES = (_tcscmp(psz, DEF_PROFILE_TESTSTRING) != 0);
 delete [] psz;
 return RES;

BOOL CIni::CopySection(LPCTSTR lpSrcSection, LPCTSTR lpDestSection, BOOL bFailIfExist) const
 if (lpSrcSection == NULL || lpDestSection == NULL)
  return FALSE;

 if (_tcsicmp(lpSrcSection, lpDestSection) == 0)
  return FALSE;

 if (!IsSectionExist(lpSrcSection))
  return FALSE;

 if (bFailIfExist && IsSectionExist(lpDestSection))
  return FALSE;


 const DWORD SRC_LEN = GetKeyLines(lpSrcSection, NULL, 0);
 LPTSTR psz = new TCHAR[SRC_LEN + 2];
 //memset(psz, 0, sizeof(TCHAR) * (SRC_LEN + 2));
 GetKeyLines(lpSrcSection, psz, SRC_LEN); 
 const BOOL RES = ::WritePrivateProfileSection(lpDestSection, psz, m_pszPathName);
 delete [] psz;

 return RES;

BOOL CIni::CopyKey(LPCTSTR lpSrcSection, LPCTSTR lpSrcKey, LPCTSTR lpDestSection, LPCTSTR lpDestKey, BOOL bFailIfExist) const
 if (lpSrcSection == NULL || lpSrcKey == NULL || lpDestKey == NULL)
  return FALSE;

 if (_tcsicmp(lpSrcSection, lpDestSection) == 0
  && _tcsicmp(lpSrcKey, lpDestKey) == 0)
  return FALSE;

 if (!IsKeyExist(lpSrcSection, lpSrcKey))
  return FALSE;

 if (bFailIfExist && IsKeyExist(lpDestSection, lpDestKey))
  return FALSE;
 LPTSTR psz = __GetStringDynamic(lpSrcSection, lpSrcKey);
 const BOOL RES = WriteString(lpDestSection, lpDestKey, psz);
 delete [] psz;
 return RES;

BOOL CIni::MoveSection(LPCTSTR lpSrcSection, LPCTSTR lpDestSection, BOOL bFailIfExist) const
 return CopySection(lpSrcSection, lpDestSection, bFailIfExist)
  && DeleteSection(lpSrcSection);

BOOL CIni::MoveKey(LPCTSTR lpSrcSection, LPCTSTR lpSrcKey, LPCTSTR lpDestSection, LPCTSTR lpDestKey, BOOL bFailIfExist) const
 return CopyKey(lpSrcSection, lpSrcKey, lpDestSection, lpDestKey, bFailIfExist)
  && DeleteKey(lpSrcSection, lpSrcKey);

// Helper Functions

// Get a profile string value, return a heap pointer so we do not have to worry
// about the buffer size, however, this function requires the caller to manually
// free the memory.
// This function is the back-bone of all "Getxxx" functions of this class.
LPTSTR CIni::__GetStringDynamic(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPCTSTR lpDefault) const
 TCHAR* psz = NULL;
 if (lpSection == NULL || lpKey == NULL)
  // Invalid section or key name, just return the default string
  if (lpDefault == NULL)
   // Empty string
   psz = new TCHAR[1];
   *psz = _T('\0');
   psz = new TCHAR[_tcslen(lpDefault) + 1];
   _tcscpy(psz, lpDefault);
  return psz;
 // Keep enlarging the buffer size until being certain on that the string we
 // retrieved was original(not truncated).
 psz = new TCHAR[dwLen + 1];
 DWORD dwCopied = ::GetPrivateProfileString(lpSection, lpKey, lpDefault == NULL ? _T("") : lpDefault, psz, dwLen, m_pszPathName);
 while (dwCopied + 1 >= dwLen)
  delete [] psz;
  psz = new TCHAR[dwLen + 1];
  dwCopied = ::GetPrivateProfileString(lpSection, lpKey, lpDefault == NULL ? _T("") : lpDefault, psz, dwLen, m_pszPathName);
 return psz; // !!! Requires the caller to free this memory !!!

// Split a string usinf a particular delimiter, split result are copied into lpBuffer
// in the "double null terminated string" format as the following figure shows:
// xxx\0xxxx\0xx\0xxx\0\0
// For example, if the delimiter is ",", then string "ab,cd,e" will be
// splitted into "ab\0cd\0e\0\0", this string format can be parsed into an array
// of sub strings easily using user defined functions or CIni::ParseStringArray.
DWORD CIni::__StringSplit(LPCTSTR lpString, LPTSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize, LPCTSTR lpDelimiter, BOOL bTrimString)
 if (lpString == NULL || lpBuffer == NULL || dwBufSize == 0)
  return 0; 

 DWORD dwCopied = 0;
 *lpBuffer = _T('\0');
 if (*lpString == _T('\0'))
  return 0;

 // If lpDelimiter is NULL, use the default delimiter ",", if delimiter length
 // is 0, then return whole string
 if (lpDelimiter != NULL && *lpDelimiter == _T('\0'))
  _tcsncpy(lpBuffer, lpString, dwBufSize - 1);
  return _tcslen(lpBuffer);

 LPTSTR pszDel = (lpDelimiter == NULL) ? _tcsdup(DEF_PROFILE_DELIMITER) : _tcsdup(lpDelimiter);
 const DWORD DEL_LEN = _tcslen(pszDel);
 LPTSTR lpTarget = lpBuffer;

 // Search through lpString for delimiter matches, and extract sub strings out
 LPCTSTR lpPos = lpString;
 LPCTSTR lpEnd = _tcsstr(lpPos, pszDel);

 while (lpEnd != NULL)
  LPTSTR pszSeg = __StrDupEx(lpPos, lpEnd);
  if (bTrimString)

  const DWORD SEG_LEN = _tcslen(pszSeg);
  const DWORD COPY_LEN = min(SEG_LEN, dwBufSize - dwCopied);

  // Need to avoid buffer overflow
  if (COPY_LEN > 0)
   dwCopied += COPY_LEN + 1;
   _tcsncpy(lpTarget, pszSeg, COPY_LEN);
   lpTarget[COPY_LEN] = _T('\0');
   lpTarget = &lpTarget[SEG_LEN + 1];
  delete [] pszSeg;
  lpPos = &lpEnd[DEL_LEN]; // Advance the pointer for next search  
  lpEnd = _tcsstr(lpPos, pszDel);

 // The last part of string, there may not be the trailing delimiter, so we
 // need to take care of this part, too
 LPTSTR pszSeg = _tcsdup(lpPos);
 if (bTrimString)

 const DWORD SEG_LEN = _tcslen(pszSeg);
 const DWORD COPY_LEN = min(SEG_LEN, dwBufSize - dwCopied);

 if (COPY_LEN > 0)
  dwCopied += COPY_LEN + 1;
  _tcsncpy(lpTarget, pszSeg, COPY_LEN);
  lpTarget[COPY_LEN] = _T('\0');

 delete [] pszSeg;
 lpBuffer[dwCopied] = _T('\0');
 delete [] pszDel;
 return dwCopied;

// Parse a "double null terminated string", pass each sub string to a user-defined
// callback function
BOOL CIni::ParseDNTString(LPCTSTR lpString, SUBSTRPROC lpFnStrProc, LPVOID lpParam)
 if (lpString == NULL || lpFnStrProc == NULL)
  return FALSE;

 LPCTSTR p = lpString;
 DWORD dwLen = _tcslen(p);

 while (dwLen > 0)
  if (!lpFnStrProc(p, lpParam))
   return FALSE;

  p = &p[dwLen + 1];
  dwLen = _tcslen(p);
 return TRUE;

// Callback function used to compare elements inside of a
// "double null terminated string" with a given string. Useful for
// searching in the section names list.
BOOL CALLBACK CIni::__SubStrCompare(LPCTSTR lpString1, LPVOID lpParam)
 assert(lpString1 != NULL);
 LPCTSTR lpString2 = (LPCTSTR)lpParam;
 assert(lpString2 != NULL);
 // if two string matches, return zero to stop the parsing
 return _tcsicmp(lpString1, lpString2) != 0;

// Callback function used to process a key-pair, it extracts the
// key name from the key-pair string
BOOL CALLBACK CIni:: __KeyPairProc(LPCTSTR lpString, LPVOID lpParam)
 STR_LIMIT* psl = (STR_LIMIT*)lpParam;
 if (lpString == NULL || psl== NULL)
  return FALSE;
 LPCTSTR p = _tcschr(lpString, _T('='));
 if (p == NULL || p == lpString)
  return TRUE;
 // extract the sub-string on left side of the '='
 LPTSTR psz = new TCHAR[_tcslen(lpString) + 1];
 int i = 0;
 for (; &lpString[i] < p; i++)
  psz[i] = lpString[i];
 psz[i] = _T('\0');

 // trim
 DWORD dwNameLen = _tcslen(psz);
 DWORD dwCopyLen = 0;
 //copy to the buffer
 if (psl->lpTarget != NULL)
  dwCopyLen = (psl->dwRemain > 1) ? min(dwNameLen, psl->dwRemain - 1) : 0;
  _tcsncpy(psl->lpTarget, psz, dwCopyLen);
  psl->lpTarget[dwCopyLen] = _T('\0');
  psl->lpTarget = &(psl->lpTarget[dwCopyLen + 1]);
  psl->dwRemain -= dwCopyLen + 1;
  dwCopyLen = dwNameLen;

 delete [] psz;
 psl->dwTotalCopied += dwCopyLen + 1;
 return TRUE;

#ifdef __AFXWIN_H__
// Callback function used to add elements that are extracted from a
// "double null terminated string" to an MFC CStringArray.
BOOL CALLBACK CIni::__SubStrAdd(LPCTSTR lpString, LPVOID lpParam)
 CStringArray* pArray = (CStringArray*)lpParam;
 if (pArray == NULL || lpString == NULL)
  return FALSE;

 return TRUE;

// Convert an integer into binary string format
void CIni::__ToBinaryString(UINT nNumber, LPTSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize)
 if (dwBufSize == 0)
 DWORD dwIndex = 0; 
  lpBuffer[dwIndex++] = (nNumber % 2) ? _T('1') : _T('0');
  nNumber /= 2;
 } while (nNumber > 0 && dwIndex < dwBufSize);

 lpBuffer[dwIndex] = _T('\0');

// Make sure the base will be expected value
int CIni::__ValidateBase(int nBase)
 switch (nBase)


 return nBase;

// Convert a signed integer into string representation, based on its base
void CIni::__IntToString(int nNumber, LPTSTR lpBuffer, int nBase)
 switch (nBase)
  __UIntToString((UINT)nNumber, lpBuffer, nBase);

  _stprintf(lpBuffer, _T("%d"), nNumber);

// Convert an unsigned integer into string representation, based on its base
void CIni::__UIntToString(UINT nNumber, LPTSTR lpBuffer, int nBase)
 switch (nBase)
  __ToBinaryString(nNumber, lpBuffer, DEF_PROFILE_NUM_LEN);

  _stprintf(lpBuffer, _T("%o"), nNumber);

  _stprintf(lpBuffer, _T("%X"), nNumber);

  _stprintf(lpBuffer, _T("%u"), nNumber);

BOOL CIni::StringToBool(LPCTSTR lpString, BOOL bDefault)
 // Default: empty string
 // TRUE: "true", "yes", non-zero decimal numner
 // FALSE: all other cases
 if (lpString == NULL || *lpString == _T('\0'))
  return bDefault;

 return (_tcsicmp(lpString, _T("true")) == 0
  || _tcsicmp(lpString, _T("yes")) == 0
  || _tcstol(lpString, NULL, BASE_DECIMAL) != 0);

BOOL CIni::__TrimString(LPTSTR lpString)
 if (lpString == NULL)
  return FALSE;

 BOOL bTrimmed = FALSE;
 int nLen = _tcslen(lpString);

 // '\n' and '\r' are actually not possible in this case, but anyway...
 // Trim right side
 while (nLen >= 0
  && (lpString[nLen - 1] == _T(' ')
   || lpString[nLen - 1] == _T('\t')
   || lpString[nLen - 1] == _T('\r')
   || lpString[nLen - 1] == _T('\n')))
  lpString[--nLen] = _T('\0');
  bTrimmed = TRUE;  

 // Trim left side
 LPCTSTR p = lpString;
 while (*p == _T(' ')
   || *p == _T('\t')
   || *p == _T('\r')
   || *p == _T('\n'))
  p = &p[1];
  bTrimmed = TRUE;

 if (p != lpString)
  LPTSTR psz = _tcsdup(p);
  _tcscpy(lpString, psz);
  delete [] psz;

 return bTrimmed;

LPTSTR CIni::__StrDupEx(LPCTSTR lpStart, LPCTSTR lpEnd)
 const DWORD LEN = ((DWORD)lpEnd - (DWORD)lpStart) / sizeof(TCHAR);
 LPTSTR psz = new TCHAR[LEN + 1];
 _tcsncpy(psz, lpStart, LEN);
 psz[LEN] = _T('\0');
 return psz; // !!! Requires the caller to free this memory !!!

// End of Cini Class Implementation

// If you are getting this error:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// "fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled
//  header directive"
// Please scroll all the way up and uncomment '#include "stdafx.h"'